Join the world’s leading stability experts at this year’s Science of Stability 2021 online conference.
We are pleased to announce that Ora Tsoran, LOG’s VP of Barrier Technologies & Quality, and Tobias Eger, LOG’s VP of Marketing & Product will present in a poster session on the topic of “Modified Atmosphere Packaging – Solutions for Moisture and Oxygen Sensitive Drug Formulations” on Tuesday, May 18, 10:35-11:35 a.m. (E.S.T.).
The Science of Stability (SOS) Conference exposes attendees to the latest discoveries and innovations in the science of stability across different fields including pharmaceuticals, generics, nutraceuticals and Over-the-Counter (OTC).
We also welcome you to register now for LOG’s upcoming Science of Barrier Packaging webinar on June 9th, 2021 where guest speaker Dr. Kenneth Waterman of FreeThink Technologies, Inc., who serves on the SOS 2021 Steering Committee, will give valuable insights on selecting packaging for shelf life-based moisture protection.
Tags: 2021 Science of Stability, Barrier Packaging, FreeThink Technologies, Virtual Conference